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Les Brèves du RQGE

Bonjour, Bonsoir!

En cette veille d'élections, voici les Brèves du mois d'août, qui proposent un retour sur cette campagne où l'environnement n'a  certes pas été placé au premier plan.

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Un message du nouveau directeur de Greenpeace au Québec

Tell the EPA: Stop stalling. Save the bees!

Tell the EPA: Stop stalling. Save the Bees!
Submit a public comment urging the EPA to stop stalling, and take action to protect bees from the harmful pesticide clothianidin.
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CREDO Action | more than a network, a movement.

The EPA's continued inaction in the face of colony collapse is unacceptable.

Dear Friend,

Last month, for the second time, the EPA refused to intervene to stop the use of the pesticide clothianidin, which scientists believe is at least partially to blame for the alarming rise in bee colony collapse — the sudden bee die-off which has claimed about 30% of the U.S. honey bee population each year since 2006.

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